Monday, August 18, 2014

Váy chấm bi, Áo ren cắt, Áo thun, Áo cánh dơi

Váy chấm bi, Áo ren cắt, Áo thun, Áo cánh dơi

Váy chấm bi, Áo ren cắt, Áo thun, Áo cánh dơi

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:52 PM PDT

Chúng tôi chuyên bán buôn bán lẻ quần áo, thời trang việt nam, việt nam xuất khẩu. Chất liệu tốt, đường may đẹp không lỗi, mẫu mã phong phú đa dạng phù hợp với các bạn văn phòng, teen, sinh viên, học sinh ...
Chuyên đổ buôn thời trang của các hãng nổi tiếng như: BELLA, FOREVER, MANGO, ZARA... đảm bảo hàng tốt giá rẻ.

* Giao hàng tận nơi
* Thanh toán khi nhận hàng
* 10 ngày đổi trả hàng

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Like Facebook để nhận được những mẫu mã mới và thường xuyên nhé cả nhà.

Nhận may áo đồng phục, áo đôi, áo nhóm, áo gia đình theo yêu cầu!

Áo ren cắt Lase 2 lớp
- Chất liệu: Ren
- Màu sắc: 02 Trắng, Đen
- Size:
M: Rộng Vai:33cm, Ngực:72cm, Dài Áo:54cm
L: Rộng Vai:35cm, Ngực:76cm, Dài Áo:54cm " Sai số +- 3cm "
- Xuất xứ: Việt Nam
- Giá: 149.000đ



- Chất liệu: Cotton co giãn
- Màu sắc: 02 Đen, Sữa
- Size:
M: Rộng Vai:32cm, Ngực:64cm, Dài Áo:53cm
L: Rộng Vai:35cm, Ngực:68cm, Dài Áo:55cm " Sai số +- 3cm "
- Xuất xứ: Việt Nam
- Giá: 50.000đ

Trẻ trung cùng áo sơ mi chấm bi
  • Trẻ trung cùng áo somi chấm bi
  • Áo được thiết kế đơn giản, thanh lịch với dáng suông, cộc tay dễ mix đồ
  • Phù hợp để đi làm, đi học, đi dạo phố...
  • Chất liệu: Lụa giấy
  • Xuất xứ: Việt Nam
  • Màu sắc: chấm bi đen, chấm bi đỏ
  • Kích thước: M, L
    - Giá: 149.000đ


Áo phông cánh dơi 100% cotton - Giá: 50.000Đ

Thiết kế áo cánh dơi tạo phong cách trẻ trung, cá tính
Chất cotton thoáng mát, mềm mại, thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, phù hợp với mùa hè
Dễ dàng kết hợp với chân váy hay quần âu
Có ba màu cho bạn lựa chọn: Trắng, Xám, Đen
Kích thước: Free size: Rộng vai 44cm, Rộng ngực 90cm, Dài áo 66cm (sai số +-3cm )

Váy chấm bi cổ Piterpan cực xinh - GIÁ: 189.000Đ

Có thể nói họa tiết chấm bi xinh xắn luôn được phái đẹp lựa chọn dù trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào. Đã xuất hiện từ khá lâu song sức sống của những chấm tròn đáng yêu này vẫn trường tồn cùng thời gian và trở thành một trong những "item" không thể thiếu trong tủ đồ của các cô nàng sành điệu.
- Họa tiết chấm bi mang lại nét tươi trẻ, đáng yêu cho các quý cô công sở.
- Form dáng suông, tay hơi bồng nhẹ, cổ thiết kế kiểu Peter Pan lạ mắt.
- Dễ mix đồ với nhiều phụ kiện khác nhau.
- Màu sắc: 02 màu đen, trắng.
- Chất liệu: Thun co giãn.
- Kích thước: 2 size M, L.
- Xuất xứ: Việt Nam.

Camping and Outdoor camping: A wonderful Blend

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:00 PM PDT

Backpacking and Camping: The ideal Combo

Are you interested in going? If you want to your trip to always be alone, with the buddies, with your friends and family, or even just along with your romantic mate, Paged Profits Formula you will have to discover a spot to check out, and exercises to take part in. Should you have nevertheless to decide what you will enjoy doing for your next getaway, perhaps you have even though about going camping out and hiking? When on your own, camping as well as hiking are generally fun stuffed activities, whenever merged, they are really, practically, the ideal combination.

Eventhough it is nice to know in which hiking and backpacking are the perfect combination, you may well be questioning exactly why that may be. If you are, you can find there are a limitless amount of number of reasons as to the reasons camping and camping would be the perfect in shape for each other and the great way to spend the next trip. For reasons as to why you should give hiking and hiking an attempt, you will need to keep reading about.

Since previously explained, camping and hiking are points that just apparently worked together. This really is apparent in many different methods. As an example, hiking trails may be seen in areas as well as establishments which might be referred to as walking parks. Backpacking parks, specially large popular versions, often have their unique onsite campgrounds. Besides you will discover that most open public campground parks possess at least one or maybe more hiking assessments in it. The fact that trekking and camping experts automatically pair walking and camping along is a warning that camping and also hiking really are the ideal mixture.

Another reason why camping out and hiking can be ideal for the next trip or perhaps vacation is because they are both created for individuals of all ages. This is very important, particularly if you are trying to find something connected to all your family members. Young children in various age groups, and grown ups, enjoy the two camping and trekking. Actually , in the usa, you will see that will hiking trials appear in a number of difficulty levels. In particular, it can be greater than possible to find hiking pistes that are made for starters. Most of these camping trials could be ideal, generally, for young children or elderly individuals.

The buying price of hiking and camping tend to be another one and large number of main reasons why they create the perfect combination, in addition to the reason they might be simply perfect for the next holiday, family vacation, or venture. Hiking and also camping both are affordable exercises for you to be involved in. Actually if you choose to make a booking at a public campground park, you'll likely find you are able to go for an outing, on an onsite path, charge. The identical could even be explained for in case you visited a new hiking park as well as decided to keep overnight. Although activities may well prove to be totally free for yourself, so as to everything is determined by the establishment showcased.

For anyone who is considering combining walking and camping to really make the best adventure for you personally, your family members, your pals, or perhaps you as well as your romantic spouse, you might want to think about making your arrangements forward. Hiking and camping are both popular exercises in the us. As you might not exactly necessarily should make concerns to go walking, you may want to cause them to considering camping overnight in a hiking recreation area or stuck in a job public campground. Actually , the earlier you choose your a reservation, the harder choices maybe you have, as many establishments assist you to handpick your individual camping spots.

Unsurprisingly, there are lots of various reasons that explains why trekking and camping face the ideal mix, in addition to exactly why they would become great for your vacation, trip, or adventure. Hiking in addition to camping is a thing that you may at the very least desire to think about discussing along with your traveling bash. Once its described, you could be surprised with exactly how many people wish to give this perfect combination an attempt.

thiết kế nội thất phòng ngủ 0913.559.069

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 02:26 AM PDT

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Địa Chỉ:
Số 10 Ngõ 198 B, Nguyễn Tuân, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Email: - Website:
Xưởng sản xuất: TT.Phùng, Đan Phượng, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 0913.559.069

